Brisbane Market Report 123

With glorious winter growing conditions, the local vegetable season is in full swing and this means fantastic quality and prices across much of our produce this week.

In fruit, stand-outs include Bundaberg-grown passionfruit, Queensland pomegranates, all pear varieties, local strawberries and cumquats.

New Zealand-grown kiwi fruit is also in in good supply and makes excellent eating.

In citrus, look for lemons from the southern states and different varieties of mandarins including Daisy, Taylor Lee, Hickson, Murcott, Amigo, and Red Imperial — it’s slightly sweeter than the standard Imperial.  While we probably think of them more as a snack, mandarin juice and zest add a twist to traditional sweet treats like crème brûlée, syrup cake, marmalade, and puddings.

All apples have been picked and growers have started to stockpile for summer, but prices are firm.

Blueberries and limes are both in supply, but are expensive.

Vegetables supplies are outstanding this week, particularly from local growers.

Highlights include purple cabbage and beetroot from Lockyer Valley, eggplant from the Glasshouse Mountains, Toowoomba-grown rainbow chard and rhubarb, Gatton-grown broccoli, celery from Redland Bay, and Bundaberg-grown chillies, snow peas, and sugar snaps.

Bundaberg is also producing an abundant supply of truss, cherry, grape, and mini Roma tomatoes.

Two of our Queensland-grown favourites currently at their peak are capsicums and cauliflower. Both work well roasted, or served in soups, dips, and salads. Increasing in supply are mushrooms from Stanthorpe and corn from the Bowen region, so prices will decrease.

From further afield, Victorian fennel as well as garden peas and radishes from New South Wales are all great buying.

Although lettuce loves the cooler weather, we’re not seeing the quality we’re used to, so the mixed salad leaves from Victoria might be a better option.

This week’s top pick is oranges, particularly a Navel variety known as the Cara Cara. Latin for ‘beloved’, the Cara Cara originated in Venezuela but is now grown in South Australia. A pink-fleshed, seedless variety, it has a beautiful sweet flavour and a high concentration of the powerful antioxidant lycopene. Look for firm, shiny fruit that is heavy for its size and eat as a snack or in juices, smoothies, salads, or a decadent organic curd tart.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

Brisbane Produce Market

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