Brisbane Market Report 122

Cold temperatures across the country are having an impact on the amount of produce arriving at the Brisbane Produce Market this week. While quality remains high, prices of some fruits and vegetables are tightening as a result.

In fruit, we’ve got good supplies of avocados, pear, pineapple, and one of our current winter highlights, the Navel orange.

Blueberries are great quality, and the Caboolture-grown strawberries continue to thrive in Queensland’s dry conditions.

Paw paw from North Queensland makes a nice addition to your winter breakfast, although supplies are low.

While we’re seeing a good variety of apples available, growers are releasing less fruit to the market, so prices will rise.

With only two weeks left in the season, supplies of grapes are becoming scarce and you’ll pay top dollar for any you find.

The cold weather is affecting supplies of beans, lettuce, basil, and mint; pumpkins are also increasing in price due to high demand.

Weather conditions also mean that the Victorian-grown Asian vegetables are taking longer to pick, so supplies are low but quality is still high.

Best buys this week for both price and quality include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower from Gatton, carrot, celery, chillies from Bundaberg, eggplant, zucchini, and green cucumbers.

Red capsicums are the pick of the peppers at the moment, while all varieties of peas – garden, sugar snap, and snow – and great value.

Keep an eye out for the fantastic beetroot coming out of Boonah; it’s delicious roasted and used in dips, soups, and vegetable salads.

Be picky when it comes to tomatoes – the round and Roma varieties are good quality, but there are variations between regions.

This week’s top pick is the Brussel sprout, which is coming into season now and will peak in August. A much maligned vegetable, the Brussel sprout is deserving of a little more attention, especially when pan-fried with bacon and olive oil. Look for firm, green sprouts and store in a plastic bag in the crisper until ready to pan-fry or roast with sage and hazelnuts.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at


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