Brisbane Market Report – 62

Ample quality fresh produce continues to flow into the Brisbane Produce Market from across Australia despite growers being hard hit by cyclone damage in Queensland's north and wide spread flooding in northern NSW.

Your Local Fruit Shop stores have vegetable aisles spilling with offerings of reasonably priced Asian vegetables, machine picked beans, beetroot, carrot, celery, eggplant, silverbeet, squash, onions, potatoes and pumpkin.

Expect to pay more for imported asparagus, fennel, leeks, parsnips, squash, sweet corn, zucchini and mushrooms. Sweet potatoes have also firmed in price with Bundaberg growers waiting for their paddocks to dry to harvest larger quantities.

Not all vegetables have been unaffected by the big wet with some kitchen favourites rising sharply in price including broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Prices should reduce once our local growers mop up, with the southern growing districts helping fill Queensland's demand until then.

Some salad items that are more weather sensitive are expensive this week including tomatoes and all varieties of lettuce, while avocados continue to maintain their firm prices mainly from their high demand rather than the weather.

Salad lovers can still pick up reasonably priced mixed leaf salad, eshallots, herbs and most cucumbers but be prepared to pay more for the lebanese cucumber variety which is in shorter supply.

In the fruit aisle, pears, new season apples, bananas, grapes and great tasting watermelon are the buys of the week and tasting great.

The first of the Queensland imperial mandarins have appeared but being early season fruit, will grow in size and sweetness after the first cold snap, which is traditionally after ANZAC Day.

You can pick up good quality berries, lemons, limes, navel and valencia oranges, figs, rockmelon, honey dew, passionfruit and pawpaw but at slightly firmer prices

The smaller late season plums are reasonably priced. For a great tasting change, pick up the better quality, larger, sweet tasting varieties but be prepared to pay more for them.

For those with an exotic palate, this is the time of year for persimmons, dragon fruit, feijoas, custard apples, guava and quinces.

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