Brisbane Market Report – 61

The worst of Cyclone Debbie's destruction won't be felt in the fresh produce aisles until May through to July with Australia's largest winter cropping region, at Bowen, the hardest hit at a time when the growers were planting.

In the short term, Cyclone Debbie's heavy rains and resulting road transport issues may cause some fresh produce fluctuations in the days ahead but the value and quality were steady this week with the exception of sweet potatoes which have spiked in price to be expensive.

Look for reasonably priced, top quality Asian vegetables, imported asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrot, celery, eggplant, snow peas, sliverbeet, sweet corn, zucchini, onions, potatoes and pumpkin.

Beans are back on Your Local Fruit Shop shelves, with the machine picked offerings cheaper than the firmly priced hand-picked beans.

Expect to pay firm prices for beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, capsicum, fennel, leeks, parsnips, squash and mushrooms.

In the salad aisle, you can still pick up value-for-money mixed salad leaf, cucumbers and all herb varieties.

Other salad favourites, such as tomatoes, avocados, and iceberg and all fancy lettuce varieties are eating well but are firmly priced.

The best school lunch box buys for the work are pears, kiwifruit and apples, with the exception of the pink lady variety which is expensive. You will also find limes and pawpaws are reasonably priced.

Bananas are more costly but tipped to increase further in the days ahead.

All melons and berry varieties are eating well but are firmly priced.

You can also expect to pay firm prices for lemons, imported mandarins, imported navel oranges, Australian valencia oranges, pineapples, passionfruit, plums and the last of the season's peaches and nectarines.

Jam makers will be able to pick up guava, rosellas and quinces at this time of year although their prices have fluctuated depending on the volumes making it to market.

Keep a watch out for a range of other exotic fruits including soursop, pomegranates, dragon fruit, custard apples and mangosteens.

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