Brisbane Market Report 321

Brisbane Produce Report – 22 July

  July 21, 2022  adonaldson

Overwhelmed with the daily slog of weeknight cooking and lunchbox prep? We have a wide selection of in-season produce, recipes and tips to relieve your mind and get you on the right track.

Our pick of the week are Oranges from Mundubbera and Gayndah. In peak season during winter, Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fibre. Blood Oranges have just come into season and are a great variety for juicing. They’re less acidic and richer in vitamin C than most Orange varieties. Give your dinner table a welcome pop of colour with our recipe for Blood Orange Salad!

Mandarins, also from the citrus belt of Queensland – Mundubbera and Gayndah, are in great supply this week. The season for Imperials has now ended, but a range of other varieties including Honey Murcott Mandarins, are widely available.

Persian Limes out of Dimbulah are in excellent supply right now. The most common variety in Australia, Persian Limes are perfect for use in dressings, drinks and garnish. For a great breakfast on the go, try our delicious Lime Smoothie.

Custard Apples from New South Wales are still in good supply. Growing in popularity in recent years, this sweet subtropical fruit is high in antioxidants and can help improve digestion. It’s great as an afternoon snack or in desserts.

Carambola, also known as Starfruit, from Yeppoon, is in moderate supply year-round. Often compared to an Apple in taste, Carambola has a crisp juicy flesh and a few seeds. They’re a popular ingredient in seafood dishes and salads.

Bananas out of Innisfail and Tully are in moderate supply, due to colder than expected weather conditions this winter. Plantains out of Tully are in good supply this week. Commonly referred to as Cooking Bananas, Plantains have more starch and less sugar than their world-famous cousin.

Bowen-grown Pumpkins are a winter staple, and this week there’s a wide range available, with some varieties weighing in at more than seven kilograms. For the ultimate comfort meal, try our Smokey Pumpkin Soup.

Zucchinis from Bundaberg and Bowen are steadily increasing in supply, so you’ll see prices dropping over the coming weeks. With antioxidants such as lutein, carotenes and zeaxanthin, Zucchini could be the fountain of youth you’ve been looking for, as they’ve been shown to slow the process of ageing.

Wombok, or Chinese Cabbage, from Gatton is in good supply. Though the cost is dearer than usual for this time of year, prices are expected to steadily decrease. A great source of vitamins A and C, and calcium, Wombok offers great versatility and can be used in soups, casseroles, coleslaw or dumplings.

Bull Horn Green Chillies from Bundaberg and Red Cayenne Chillies from Bowen are in good supply this week. If you’re after a spicy kick to warm you up, our Lemon and Chilli Fish Parcels recipe is just what you need.

South Australian-grown Beetroot and Radish are in great supply this week. These root vegetables offer great health benefits and can take simple salads to the next level, just like our recipes for Carrot and Beetroot Salad or Pink Salad.

Eating produce in season is key to shopping on a budget, so head down to your local fruit and veg shop for a great range of produce to suit your palate and preferences – it’s A better choice!

Brisbane Produce Markets

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