Winter crops are still reaching the Brisbane Produce Market but be prepared to pay more for some meal favourites as the effects of recent rains in the growing regions have reduced some supplies.
Sweet corn, zucchini, mushrooms, onions and potatoes are expensive this week but there are still some value-for-money vegetables on offer for the budget conscious.
Look for good quality beetroot, brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrot, eggplant and sweet potatoes at reasonable prices.
Cauliflower is the star performer, cheap and of good quality. Select cauliflower with a clean, white head and firm, compact flower clusters. The leaves should not be wilted and the stalks should have a fresh appearance.
Good quality Asian vegetables, asparagus, cabbage, capsicum, celery, fennel, leeks, parsnips, snow peas, silverbeet and squash are firmly priced, as are beans but they are starting to reduce in price as more supplies arrive.
In the salad line, avocados, lettuce, shallots and most herbs are reasonably priced with the exception of basil and coriander which are struggling with the current weather conditions. Both are expensive.
All varieties of cucumbers and tomatoes are expensive.
Mixed salad leaves are firmly priced, with spinach and rocket in short supply.
In the fruit aisle, blueberries have reduced to a reasonable price and join mandarins, navel and cara cara oranges, honey dew, pinapples, passionfruit and pawpaws as the best buys of the week.
Once-cheap bananas are now in shorter supply and have risen to a firm price.
Expect to pay firm prices for apples, strawberries, rockmelon, watermelon and pears.
USA grown grapes, cherries and stonefruit are expensive, as are Australian raspberries, lemons and limes.
There are still a great range of exotic fruits to choose from at Your Local Fruit Shop while they are in season.