Brisbane Produce Report – 25 September
September 25, 2020 strump
Spring is in the air and we cannot be more excited for all the delicious fresh seasonal produce that is arriving at the Brisbane Produce Market this week.
There are increased supplies of blueberries from New South Wales while strawberry supplies are shifting from Queensland to other states. Raspberries and pears are short whereas new small-sized Hass avocadoes are coming in from Blackbutt.
The Queensland season for oranges, lemons, and mandarins has finished, but produce for the southern states is keeping these fruits in stock. Ladyfinger bananas from New South Wales are plentiful right now and so is locally-grown sweet eating rockmelons.
Spring pineapples and kensington pride mangoes are so tempting at the moment. Add slices to salads, salsa or simply serve caramelised chunks with vanilla ice cream for a quick dessert. Other great buys include crispy pink lady apples, passionfruit, red papaya and extra juicy seedless watermelon. Lime supplies are slowing down.
With warmer weather and plentiful supplies of fresh leafy greens, why not add salads to the menu? Choose from Gatton grown iceberg lettuce, kale, spinach, rocket, silverbeet, leeks, fennel and wombok as they are all good eating. Vibrant and crunchy celery is in abundance too this week – dice, slice or cut into small sticks and pair with hummus for an afternoon snack.
Supplies of Lebanese cucumbers from Tully are improving however corn and snow peas are short. The Bowen region is delivering excellent quality eggplants and truss tomatoes. For a flavourful appetiser, stack barbequed round slices of eggplants and tomatoes with mozzarella cheese and top it up with a drizzle of pesto and fresh basil leaves.
Take your plate from dull to gourmet with the prettiest spring edible flowers. Lavender, squash blossom, pansy and roses are just a few available in punnets at your local fruit shop.
Green beans and zucchini are thriving right now. Coming from Kalbar, crispy beans add crunch and flavour to all types of dishes. Store them in a bag in the crisper section of the fridge and use within three days. For a healthy substitute, spiral zucchini and use it in place of spaghetti.
Other local vegies in good supply include beetroot, spring onion, cauliflower, broccoli, Jap pumpkins, sweet potatoes, capsicum and brown onions.
This week’s top pick is the Australian asparagus. Spring is the peak season for asparagus and its distinctive flavour pairs well potatoes, salmon, eggs and even pasta. Select asparagus that looks fresh, bright green and has closed compact spears with tight scales. Fresh asparagus will easily snap at the bottom part removing the spear. Asparagus are easy to cook and loaded with nutrients and you can steam, boil, barbeque and stir-fry the spears as per your liking.
Brisbane Market Report