Brisbane Market Report 207

Brisbane Produce Report – 3 April

  April 3, 2020   strump

As autumn is in full swing the cooler days are bringing different seasonal varieties of fruit and vegetables to the Brisbane Produce Market.

Juicy royal gala and granny smith apples are in season and in great supply. It’s the perfect time to bake a homemade apple pie. Avocados are also in plentiful supply and reasonably priced! It’s the perfect time for avocados. The smooth creamy texture of the flesh makes for a wonderfully rich avocado chocolate mousse.

In fruits, there are good supplies of watermelon, plums, pineapples, figs, limes, lemons and paw paw. A new season of Imperial mandarins from Bundaberg have made their way to market and they are a generous sized fruit. Perfect for juicing to provide you with your morning vitamin C.

William pears are in excellent supply and there also corella pears available. A new season of pomegranates have arrived and the supply is expected to increase. While there is a shorter supply of rockmelon, Australian valencia oranges and dragonfruit.

In luscious fruits, strawberries and raspberries are in moderate supply. The good news is that there is a supply of blueberries but the supply is limited so prices are at a premium.

Australian grown gold kiwi fruit is coming from Mount Tamborine. Another fruit that works well as a topper to a bowl of cereal or porridge in the morning.

In vegetables, there are good supplies of cucumbers, kale, kohl rabi, mushrooms, radish, rhubarb, rocket, shallots, silverbeet, snow peas, spinach, squash, pumpkin and onions. The Sebago variety of potato is in good supply however South Australian washed potatoes are in moderate supply.

Asian greens are plentiful such as bok choy. Wombok, similar in flavor to ordinary cabbage, is in season. A wombok’s green leaves can be slightly peppery, though the thick white ribs are sweet and juicy. Perfect for use in a coleslaw or shredded on a sandwich or hamburger. This vegetable is an essential ingredient to the Korean relish ‘kim chee’. Just pickle it in salt, garlic and chilli.

All of the herbs are available. Basil is looking particularly on-point and pungent, the essential addition to Italian dishes. Buy in bulk and make your own pesto, just add virgin olive oil, pine nuts and parmesan. Or for a warm meal make a fresh Italian pasta sauce.

Bundaberg zucchini is available and is excellent quality. There are roma tomatoes, truss tomatoes and Gatton cherry tomatoes available and in good supply.

The pick of the week is zucchini. Zucchini is such a versatile vegetable and there are many great vegetarian and vegan recipes you can try with zucchini. Zucchini and tomatoes are the perfect ingredients to make a ratatouille. Slice the vegetables and lay them in a circular dish on a bed of Italian pasta sauce and bake in the oven. For something light and fresh grate zucchini, carrot and beetroot together to make a salad, drizzle with virgin olive oil, brown vinegar and a squeeze of lemon juice. For those with a sweet tooth try zucchini brownies.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘A Better Choice” local fruit shop. Locate your closest store at Check out A Better Choice Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at


Brisbane Market Report 

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