Brisbane Market Report 206

Brisbane Produce Report – 27 March

  March 27, 2020   strump

Deliveries of fresh produce are coming across the border from other states with no disruption and making their way to the Brisbane Produce Market.

Produce is plentiful and buyers will be spoilt for choice. It’s the beginning of the season for delicious mandarins and pomegranates so we expect the supplies to increase. You could choose both and make a sweet salad using Israeli couscous and coriander for something exotic.

The quality of locally grown fruit overall is excellent.  Pineapples, Victorian Packham pears, rockmelons and watermelons are eating well. Citrus fruit continues to be ideal with a supply of limes coming from North Queensland and lemons coming from Gayndah.

Strawberries and blueberries are available with blueberries at a premium price. The black sapphire grape variety is in season which has finger-like shaped grapes. Sunshine Coast supplies of dragon fruit are available. This bright pink fruit is jam packed with nutrients. The taste, which people describe as a mix between a kiwifruit, pear and watermelon, is the perfect addition to drinks, smoothie bowls or a fruit salad. To eat, simply cut the fruit into two pieces and scoop out the pulp from the inside.

There is an excellent supply of plums perfect for eating or baking in cakes such as a clafouti. Sweet in taste with a sticky, chewy texture, the low-calorie fruit improves and maintains the health of the heart and can be eaten fresh as well as used in jam-making or other recipes.

White nectarines and white peaches are coming mostly from Victoria. Both can be preserved in syrup and perfect for a fruit compote.

Passionfruit is in moderate supply. Mangosteens continue to make their way to the market from North Queensland. The new season has started for Red Delicious apples the perfect healthy snack.

We’re seeing higher volumes of some vegetables including cucumbers, eggplant, kale, leeks, rocket, silverbeet, spinach, squash and sweet potato. There is a somewhat shorter supply of asparagus, celery, cauliflower and lettuce.

Asian vegetables, shallots, salad leaves, rocket, mushrooms and onions are all in good supply and coriander is particularly looking its best.

The pick of the week is custard apples. The pinks mammoth variety is in peak season. They are also known as sugar-apples and are a sweet subtropical fruit that grows along the East Coast of Australia. The popularity of this exotic fruit has skyrocketed over recent years and Australia is now the largest commercial producer of the fruit worldwide.  Often compared to the sweet taste of cooked pear and custard this fruit is the perfect afternoon snack!

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘A Better Choice” local fruit shop. Locate your closest store at Check out A Better Choice Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at


Brisbane Market Report 

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