Brisbane Produce Report – 3 January
January 2, 2020 strump
It’s a new year and a new start so stock up on some healthy fruit and vegetables from the Brisbane Produce Market after all that Christmas pudding and pavlova.
Summer fruits are at their peak for both quality and taste. Stone fruit is simply superb this week, with good supplies of juicy peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots.
A wide range of berries are available this week with Victorian strawberries, and blueberries and raspberries from northern New South Wales all good eating. Throw them in a smoothie, top onto your breakfast oatmeal or simply enjoy as a snack. Cherries are very popular and high in demand. Keep a lookout for Tasmanian cherries a little later in the season.
Pawpaws are great eating with abundant supplies of both red and yellow varieties. Create a tropical fruit salad with pawpaw, pineapple, mangoes (R2E2, Honey Gold and Kensington Pride) and red and white dragon fruit. People often describe the taste of dragon fruit as a mix between a kiwifruit, pear and watermelon. It’s the perfect addition to drinks, smoothie bowls or a fruit salad. When buying dragon fruit select the fruit that has bright pink skin that is evenly coloured.
Check out early supplies of figs as well as a great range of lychees including Salathiel, Kwai May Pink and Erdon Lee. Erdon Lee lychees are the giants of lychees, being around four times the size of a standard. There’s plenty of flesh to sink your teeth into!
Rockmelon and watermelon continue to be super sweet and in good supply. For an original summer salad, try pairing lightly grilled watermelon with some cooked prawns and feta. Add some sliced red onion and you have the perfect summer barbeque side salad! Either continental or Lebanese cucumbers, and good supplies of truss and gourmet tomatoes also make an easy salad to accompany lunch or dinner during these hot languid days. For a creative touch, add zucchini flowers from the Sunshine Coast or for a more substantial salad, some cubed, cooked sweet potato which is in good supply and well-priced.
Nashi pears and grapes can be eaten as a snack or added to a cheese board as they’re both great eating this week.
Eggplant from Mildura and South Australia and red, green, orange or yellow capsicum from Gatton make a great addition to a summer stir-fry, particularly as beans and broccoli are abundant. Finally, add some snow and sugar snap peas from Victoria.
Lemons and limes are in good supply. For a refreshing summer drink, add lime or lemon juice to some sparkling water and garnish with a mint leaf.
You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘Your Local Fruit Shop’. Locate your closest store at Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at
Brisbane Market Report