Brisbane Market Report 193

Brisbane Produce Report – 27 December

  December 26, 2019   strump

Brisbane Produce Market is a salad bowl of goodness this week with fantastic supplies of both Continental and Lebanese cucumbers, a wide range of mushroom varieties, capsicums and plenty of truss and gourmet tomatoes.

Truss tomatoes are sold as three or more tomatoes still attached to the vine, or truss. They are picked when ripe to retain flavour and aroma. With the large range and variety of tomatoes on offer this week now is a good time to impress your New Year’s guests with a tomato-based salsa or bruschetta. A quick and easy way to add additional flavour and texture to your salad is by adding a handful of either snow or snap peas. They are in good supply and sourced locally from Bundaberg and from southern Victoria.

If a quick stir-fry appeals, Wombok from Victoria is good eating this week and there are also good supplies of eggplant.

Cherries and lychees are still in high demand. Lychees are sweet and tangy and are the perfect accompaniment to any salad, drink or dessert.  Lychees are ripe when the inedible outer skin turns from green to red or pink-red in colour.

The shelves are overflowing with stone fruits making them this week’s top pick. Yellow peaches, donut peaches, blood plums, nectarines and apricots are all great eating. Simply enjoy them on their own as a snack or make a delicious dessert by serving with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on those hot summer nights.

With their distinctive sweet juicy flavour, there are many varieties of mango to pick from including Honey Gold, Kensington Pride and R2E2 mangoes. Mangos are in peak season and sensational eating. For those that prefer pawpaw, both red and yellow varieties are in great supply and good eating. Select fruit that is well-shaped, mainly yellow, smooth, unbruised, unbroken, and free from other signs of deterioration. Fruit should be at least half yellow in colour when purchased.

If you feel like being a bit more adventurous and exotic this week, both red and white varieties of dragon fruit from the Sunshine Coast are available. The white variety of dragon fruit has smoother skin and is deeper colour, but the red is sweeter and better eating. Expect figs to also be available in greater supply in the coming weeks. Watermelon and rockmelon are both plentiful, very sweet and perfect for summer snacking.

Finally, limes are in good supply. Add some fresh lime juice to your summer curries just before serving or prepare a refreshing cocktail such as a gin mojito for your holiday guests. To make a gin mojito, drop 50ml of gin, 20ml of lime juice, 15ml sugar syrup and 6 to 8 mint leaves into a shaker and shake thoroughly. Fine strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a mint leaf and enjoy!

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘Your Local Fruit Shop’. Locate your closest store at Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

Brisbane Market Report

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