With better-than-expected growing conditions late in the Queensland season, local vegies are flooding the Brisbane Produce Market this week. This can only mean one thing for customers: great quality and even better prices.
Queensland-grown Hass avocados have well and truly arrived from central and south-east Queensland.
As is usually the case at this time of year, all varieties of apples are fantastic value and eating.
In citrus, we’ve got plenty of new season navel oranges, lemons, and limes, although prices of limes will increase coming into winter. Now’s the time to get your imperial mandarin fix, as the season ends next month.
We’re starting to see blueberries from north Queensland and once the volume improves, prices will ease.
The strawberry season in Caboolture is off to a slow start, with the rain affecting quality.
Other great buys this week include watermelon, honeydew, rockmelon, red seedless grapes, and Packham and Corella pears.
The vegetable oversupply means there’s a long list of fantastic buys this week: look for beans, corn, eggplant, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms, peas, silverbeet, and snow peas.
Zucchini is cheap and fantastic quality — look for small to medium-sized firm zucchini with a vibrant colour.
Due to supply issues, cauliflower is more expensive this week, along with tomatoes. However, once the north Queensland tomato season starts in a few weeks, supplies and prices will improve.
This week’s top pick is broccolini, the lankier cousin of broccoli and Chinese broccoli. It has a sweeter, milder flavour than its relatives, making it a more appealing option for kids. Choose glossy broccolini with dark green heads and no sign of yellowing, then store in the fridge for up to a week.
Cook broccolini in many different ways: chargrill, steam, saute, roast, or stir-fry. It doesn’t need much cooking time and teams up nicely with Asian and Italian flavours. For an ultra-simple side dish, fry 1/2 cup breadcrumbs and chopped garlic in a little butter for 2-3 minutes. Add lemon zest and chopped parsley and cook until crumbs are golden, then scatter over cooked broccolini.
You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to www.yourlocalfruitshop.com.au to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at https://www.facebook.com/yourlocalfruitshop
Brisbane Produce Market