Market report December 2017
Generally weather conditions have been more positive for fruit and vegetable growers in the last couple of weeks.
The summer stone fruit season is getting underway.
Apricots have started with most being supplied from Victoria.
Cherries from New South Wales and Victoria are eating well. Largest sizes are expensive but will reduce in price as the volume increases.
The lychee season is underway. Local growers are expecting to have a good season provided they can beat the flying foxes.
Local supply of Kensington pride and R2E2 mangoes has increased. Other varieties of mangoes will be starting soon. The Northern Territory mango season is coming to an end.
White and yellow flesh nectarines are reasonably priced. There is good supply coming from Queensland and New South Wales.
White flesh nectarines are one of my favourites and can be eaten at any stage from firm to very soft.
White and yellow flesh peaches are eating well and smaller sizes are excellent value for money. The quality, price and taste of peaches and nectarines will improve as we get further into the season.
Queensland plums have started with black diamond and red beaut varieties being available. There are also some wilson plums available. The wilson plums are an old favourite as they are sweet to the seed. Red beaut plums are the best value for money at the moment.
Lemons and navel oranges will soon be imported from the USA. Prices on these lines are firming.
New season Queensland grapes have started. Varieties include, red globe, black maroo, flame seedless and menindee. Supply is light. Prices will start to ease over the next few weeks as supply increases. Imports from the USA are coming to an end.
The Queensland season for avocados is starting. Some imports are still coming from New Zealand. Buyers will soon see some relief from the high prices they have been paying.
Bananas are reasonably priced as well as rockmelon and honeydew which are coming from the Burdekin region.
Cauliflower and broccoli prices have been high in the last half of November. These prices will ease as growing conditions in Queensland and Victoria have improved.
Brushed potato prices have eased due to improved weather conditions for picking. Kipfler potatoes are excellent value for money. Growers have had problems marketing kipfler potatoes this year and much of the crop has been ploughed back into the ground.
The tomato price is firm and expected to stay that way until after Christmas. Some truss tomatoes are excellent value for money.
Sweet potato and zucchini are reasonably priced. The price of iceberg lettuce has eased. The price of ginger is very high with little relief in sight.
Excellent quality yellow capsicum is coming from New Zealand. The quality of capsicum from the Bundaberg region is mixed and priced accordingly.
Beans, beetroot, cabbage, onions and pumpkin are reasonably priced.
Look for local and regional produce when you shop. When you're at a restaurant or cafe don't forget to ask where the produce comes from. Support your local and regional farmers and help to build a resilient community for us all.
Steve Schmidt
Vegies Unlimited