Brisbane Market Report 85

Queensland’s record September heat has not affected the quality of most fresh fruit and vegetables on Your Local Fruit Shop’s shelves but warmer days ahead may take their toll on strawberry quality.

There are large volumes of top quality vegetables resulting in bargain prices for Asian vegetables, beetroot, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, capsicum, carrot, celery, eggplant, fennel, leeks, snow peas, silverbeet, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.

Beans continue to move in price and will cost you more this week.

You will also pay firmer prices for Australian asparagus, celery, parsnips, squash and zucchini.

Firm priced, Gympie-grown brussel sprouts, with their delicate cabbage sweetness, should be a pronounced green in colour, with tight, compact, firm heads. The best selection tip is the smaller the size, the more tender the flavour.

Its salad time with all variety of tomatoes at some of the best prices seen all year, and can be teamed with mixed leaf salad, eshallots and most herbs for a reasonably priced meal.

However, lettuce has fluctuated in price, basil is still harder to source and avocados maintain their high demand resulting in all three salad items rising in price.

Northern Territory mangoes are on the shelves and drawing quite a bit of attention for their well-rounded flavour this season with the main variety being kensington pride, also known as the KP, Bowen or Bowen special.

Other reasonably priced fruit includes blueberries, navel, valencia and blood oranges, kiwifruit, all melons, pears, pineapples and passionfruit.

Strawberries are plentiful with their quality and punnet size determining a cheap or reasonable price tag but they are tipped to reduce in quality following the soaring Queensland heat with most supplies harvested on the Sunshine Coast.

Expect to pay firm prices for good quality apples, bananas, raspberries, lemons, limes and end of season mandarins.

Yellow pawpaw is reasonably priced but the great tasting red varieties will cost more, with both varieties low in kilojoules and high in vitamins and minerals and boasting an array of health benefits.

USA grapes and pomegranates, along with Australian grown low chill stonefruit are available but are expensive.


Brisbane Produce Market

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