The cooler weather has people seeking out vegetables for warming meals over salad and fruit choices which has changed the dynamic in some of the pricing, with fresh produce sales in your local fruit shop driven by supply and demand.
In the vegetable aisle, the best buys include Asian vegetables, capsicum, carrot, celery, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.
The strong demand for asparagus, beetroot, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, glasshouse eggplant, fennel, leeks, sweet corn and mushrooms have kept prices firm but their quality is good.
Beans and cabbage are also firm and have fallen in price from previous weeks.
Expect to pay top dollar for parsnips, snow peas, squash and zucchini.
Salads are not as popular in the cooler weather but for those looking for a healthy, colourful accompaniment to a meal, seek out reasonably priced mixed leaf salad, continental cucumber, eshallots and all herbs.
Hass avocado and lettuce have both dropped in price but will still cost you more than usual.
Tomatoes are expensive and in shorter supply while lebanese cucumbers are firmly priced.
It's citrus time with Queensland supplying the country with reasonably priced lemons, mandarins and navel oranges, although lemons have firmed in price.
You can also pick up late season red and black grapes, pears, pineapples at great prices.
Raspberries, end of season figs, good quality apples, kiwifruit, honey dew and Spanish melons (also known as piel de sapo or skin of the toad), passionfruit and pawpaw are also firmly priced but eating well.
End of season plums are also firmly priced but select them with caution as quality is affected as the harvest time draws to a close.
Expect to pay top dollar for bananas, strawberries, blueberries and rockmelon.

Brisbane Market Report 373
BRISBANE PRODUCE REPORT 24 AUGUST 24 August, 2023 It’s time to say farewell to winter, with spring right around the corner. The weather is already