Citrus is setting some high prices this week but vegetables and seasonal fruits are the best buys to deliver some great quality fresh produce to your table.
You can pick up some cheap Asian vegetables, beans, beetroot and broccoli.
Some other kitchen favourites, such as new season Australian asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, leeks, snow peas, silverbeet, sweet corn, zucchini, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are top quality and should be reasonably priced.
Expect to pay more for brussels sprouts, eggplant, parsnips and squash.
Potatoes are unusually expensive. If you do take some home to cook up, remember that most of the nutritional value is found just under the skin, so it is best to cook them with the skin on when possible.
You will also pay some high prices for onions and capsicums, with the sweeter red capsicum demanding a higher price over the less mature green.
In the salad aisle, you can expect to pay firm prices for most tomato varieties with the roma variety and cherry tomato punnets more expensive than usual.
Avocados are firmly priced but there are some great value-for-money lettuce varieties, mixed salad leaf packs, herbs and continental cucumbers. Lebanese cucumbers remain firmly priced.
Strawberries and blueberries are the best buys of the week with their berry cousin, the raspberry, having risen to an expensive price. They may be worth the additional money. Raspberries contain more vitamin C than oranges, are super high in fibre, low in kilojoules and supply you with a good dose of folic acid.
You will also pay top dollar for citrus this week, with lemons, limes and mandarins demanding high prices, while navel and Valencia oranges are firmly priced.
Apples, bananas, watermelon, pears and pawpaw are firmly priced along with USA stonefruit, which will soon be replaced by Australia's low chill fruit in the weeks to come.
Other great value buys for the pocket and the taste buds include kiwifruit, pineapples and passionfruit. A heavy passion fruit is indicative of quality pulp within the skin, so you should make sure that you feel the weight of each one before buying.
Rockmelon is fluctuating in price with some selling for firm prices but there are bargains to be found if you look around.