Brisbane Market Report – 32

Unseasonal rain and a last cold snap for winter have slowed supply of some product lines at the Brisbane Produce Market this week, but shoppers can still find plenty of great bargains at your local fruit shop.

Your best buys in the vegetable aisle this week are still beans, beetroot, sweet corn and great quality broccoli from Gatton, as the cheap zucchinis from last week are beginning to firm in price.

Cabbage, celery and pumpkin have all dropped in price this week and you will also find Asian vegetables, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fennel, leaks, parsnips, silverbeet and sweet potatoes priced reasonably.

Glasshouse Eggplants are firm in price, but you can find cheaper prices for the field variety and parsnips are abundant and going cheap.

Snow peas are rising in price, with capsicum, carrots, mushrooms, squash, onions and potatoes all priced firmly.

The first local crops of asparagus are starting to arrive at the Market, but while these will be expensive, shoppers can still find reasonable to firm prices on imported product.

In the salad line, lettuce is firming in price due to rain making picking difficult, so this firm price won't last. Mixed lettuce is still cheap and avocadoes and eshallots are reasonably priced.

Tomatoes are firmly priced and cucumbers, both lebanese and continental are expensive.

No change in herbs this week with most lines reasonably priced and supply of dill and sage still a bit low making these varieties a little more expensive.

Strawberries and pineapples are the best fruit buys this week and we've seen blueberries, kiwi fruit and limes dropping in price. Raspberries are also dropping, but are still moderately expensive.

Prices have risen on apples, bananas and pawpaw this week, which now join lemons, mandarins and honeydew melons as the firmly priced product lines.

Imported grapes and stone fruit are expensive, as are pears, which have risen in price this week.

Some good buys will be found on oranges, both navel and cara cara, rockmelon, watermelon and passionfruit, which are all reasonably priced, in good supply and great quality.

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