Brisbane Produce Report – 14 August
August 13, 2020 strump
This week at the Brisbane Produce Market, Queensland produce is reigning supreme with many stand-out items coming in from Far North Queensland, Bundaberg and Bowen.
Super sweet Queensland-grown strawberries remain a fantastic buy along with blueberries from New South Wales, however, raspberry supplies are limited. While fresh berries are delicious on their own, there are so many ways to transform them into delightful desserts such cakes, muffins, galettes, clafoutis, shortbreads, tarts or pies.
Avocados, passionfruit, crunchy apples and Queensland-grown pineapples are all having a strong season. Have you spotted a large, round avocado making its way into your local fruit shop? Reed is one of the largest known varieties of avocados which usually comes in late in season. Its robust size makes it a perfect pick for guacamole. It is usually rounder in shape with a green skin and carries a nutty creamy flavour.
Excellent quality pawpaws (papaya) from Far North Queensland are abundant — layer them with berries and yoghurt for a breakfast parfait or use up excess fruit in relish with mint and lime. Your best bet for lunch boxes and snacks are corella pears from Victoria and the many varieties of mandarins including imperials, afourer, murcott and tango while some varieties of Australian grapes can also be seen around.
Cara cara navel oranges, dragon fruit, bananas from North Queensland and blood oranges from Victoria are all well supplied, however, rockmelon and watermelon supplies are low.
In vegetables, highlights this week include deep purple eggplants and brushed potatoes from Bundaberg, plump cherry tomatoes from Bowen, cauliflower from the Lockyer Valley and pumpkin varieties from North Queensland including kent and butternut. Celery supplies are picking up while supplies of green capsicums are overtaking red.
An abundance of sweet potatoes means they are a great value buy this week. Stock up and make batches of soup to freeze or load your sweet potatoes with black beans, corn kernels, diced capsicum and spring onions for a comforting winter side dish.
New-season parsnips from Victoria are a must on this week’s shopping list – select firm, cream to white parsnips with intact roots. Leafy greens such as leeks, coriander, parsley, kale, spinach and lettuce are eating well while zucchini, beans and cucumbers are priced at a premium. Other top-quality buys this week include green cabbage, baby broccoli, carrots, radish, fennel and Aussie ginger whereas supplies of corn, mushroom and silverbeet are low.
This week’s top pick is snow peas from Bundaberg. Locally grown, super crisp, tender and naturally sweet, snow peas add crunch to salads and are a popular addition to stir-fries, stews and casseroles. Choose snow peas that have crisp, bright green pods and store them in an airtight bag in the crisper section of the fridge. For a quick and easy stir-fry toss shrimp, snow peas, ginger in a wok with chicken stock, soy sauce and olive oil. Sprinkle over salt and pepper to taste and garnish with fried spring onions.
Brisbane Market Report