Brisbane Market Report 204

Brisbane Produce Report – 13 March

  March 13, 2020   strump

It’s a fantastic week for citrus at the Brisbane Produce Market. The market this week features plentiful supplies of lemons, limes and navel oranges. Mareeba limes are in season and perfect for making a lime cheesecake.

Shepard avocados are coming from North Queensland with some hass coming from Western Australia. Remember you can store your uneaten avocado in an air-tight container in the fridge after you have sprinkled it with lemon or lime juice.

Watermelons are eating well – look for fruit with a sweet smell and make sure cut melons are stored in the fridge. There is a good supply of both red and yellow watermelon all coming from north Queensland.

It’s certainly the season for grapes with white grapes, crimson seedless and black muscat available. Why not try a different flavour of grape such as cotton candy that tastes like fairy floss with a hint of vanilla, or sultanas from New South Wales.

We’re spoilt for choice at the moment with our fruit offerings – strawberries, blueberries, custard apple, nectarines, peaches, mangosteen, dragon fruit, papaya, red and green apples, pears and bananas. Pineapples are in moderate supply and raspberries are in short supply.

The exotic apple cucumber, guavas from Buccan and longans are in season all can be great additions to a fruit salad. Longans are members of the soapberry family and the fruit of the longan is similar to that of the lychee.

Chokos are beginning to make a show at the market. Chokos can be baked in pies or added to jams. They are a great addition to chutneys flavoured with spices.

Asian vegetables are all available including bok choy and bitter gourd. Sliced bitter gourd can be added to stir fries. Heat a pan with oil and add cumin and Australian ginger for added flavour. For those who like spicy meals there are good supplies of chillies in plenty of varieties.

Queensland vegetables are in good supply and include green beans, broad beans, celeriac, leeks, lettuce and celery. The supply of broccoli is expected to grow in the coming weeks. Try a splash of purple in your salad add purple carrot and purple kale. Cauliflower, cucumbers, fennel and okra are in short supply.

This week’s top pick is corn. An excellent supply is coming from Bowen and baby corn is available in punnets. Corn is a versatile vegetable, try placing corn on the cob on the grill for your next barbecue or make a hearty corn risotto. Alternatively, you can make a batter and add shallots and corn kernels to make corn fritters. When selecting corn peel back a small amount of the husk and silk to check for bright, plump kernels.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘Your Local Fruit Shop’. Locate your closest store at Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at


Brisbane Market Report

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