Brisbane Produce Report – 6 March
March 6, 2020 strump
Autumn is here and along with it is the widest range of the freshest produce all on display at the Brisbane Produce Market. How about a warm apple pie? Pink lady and granny smith apples are available as are small royal gala apples perfect for lunch boxes.
Berry lovers will love that there are still supplies of berries in the marketplace. There are supplies of Tasmanian blueberries, Stanthorpe and Victorian strawberries but raspberries are in short supply.
Green skin avocados such as the shepard is in good supply. They are called green skins because their skin doesn’t darken in colour as they ripen like the hass variety though they are very creamy and just as delicious.
The Pinks Mammoth variety of custard apple is now in season and the supply is coming from Bundaberg. Why not try it as an interesting addition to a fruit salad.
In terms of citrus, lemons are looking on-point featuring perfect sunny yellow skins with fruit of excellent quality. Mareeba limes are the same and are in good supply. For those foodies liking lemon curd now is the time to make your preserves. Large passionfruit is in the market to, another fruit perfect for preserving in syrup.
All grape varieties are available offering excellent value for money.
Exquisite shapely peaches and nectarines are in good supply mainly sourced from Victoria. It’s a perfect time to make a peach tart or peach cobbler.
Queensland rockmelons and watermelons are available and in good supply. As are persimmons fresh from Amamoor. Different varieties of dragon fruit are plentiful including the purple bliss, red from the Sunshine Coast, pink champagne and yellow from Bundaberg, and white from Gympie.
Pomegranates, a beautiful fruit, are coming from Queensland and make an exciting addition to a cous cous salad. Massive Keitt mangoes from Mareeba are on offer another fruit with flesh you can dice and sprinkle into salads.
Caulini from Werribee is in supply, a mixed breed of cauliflower and baby broccoli. A particularly floral looking vegetable that would be particularly appealing on a plate and lovely to eat.
Those who love stir-fry dinners will find all the Asian vegetables available such as coriander, celery and wombok are in good supply. Vegetarians will find kale in good supply. Perfect for making into dehydrated kale chips.
In vegetables, beans, broccoli, beetroot, endive, leeks are all well supplied, where as cauliflower and broccolini are scarce. Lebanese and continental cucumbers are available.
Mushroom consumers won’t be disappointed. Mushrooms are in good supply, a wonderful addition to a risotto along with snow peas, also in good supply.
Pick of the Week is Ruby Red grapefruit. The perfect breakfast for those watching their weight. Slice one into halves and lightly sprinkle with sugar. Low in calories and a rich source of vitamin C. A ripe grapefruit will feel plump and slightly soft yet firm in your hand. The red flesh adds perfectly to a crunchy green salad.
You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘Your Local Fruit Shop’. Locate your closest store at Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at