Brisbane Market Report 181

Spring has truly sprung and so has the Brisbane Produce Market with plentiful produce.

As we are in between seasons, disappearing from our shelves are fruits like Cavendish bananas and mandarins but we are starting to see some excellent quality pineapple and watermelon.

In luscious fruits, it’s raining strawberries and blueberries – packed with flavour they are of great value this season. While raspberries from Caboolture are calling out for cakes and pies, Mareeba grown limes are our sweet indulgence for tarts.

Top fruity picks include red and yellow papaya, blood oranges from South Australia, Josephine, Corella and Packham pears, Panama passionfruit, rockmelon, grapefruit and longans. While local supply of Hass avocados are nearly finished, the new variety from Western Australia is becoming available.

You know its summer when you find yourself picking those ripe mangoes – Queensland has started to see the arrival of sweet and delicious mangoes from Darwin.

In vegetables, beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower are all well supplied, whereas corn, capsicum, okra and rhubarb are running low. While wombok and Brussel sprouts are scarce, rocket, spinach, kale, lettuce and carrots are all in abundance. Lebanese cucumber supplies are short, mushrooms and eggplant supplies are moderate.

Add maximum flavour to meals with all the wonderful herbs around including coriander, basil, parsley, mint, rosemary and thyme. Sweet potato and pumpkin from Bundaberg, zucchini from Bowen and truss tomatoes from South Australia are still up for one-pot roast.

This week’s top pick is Aussie asparagus – this spring favourite vegetable is grown in Victoria and offers great value. Look for bright green firm stems with buds that are tinged violet. Rinse the stems under running water to remove any grit. Dry it by rolling the stems between two kitchen towels. Pair it with boiled eggs, wrap bacon around it or grill it with salmon and tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice. Crackle salt and ground pepper to finish.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest ‘Your Local Fruit Shop’. Locate your closest store at Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

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