Brisbane Market Report 155

Conditions have been variable around our growing regions this week: wet weather around Gatton has affected vegetable supplies, but there’s a great variety of produce coming out of the Sunshine Coast and Victoria.

Many varieties of apples are now on the shelves, including new season Jazz, Granny Smith, and Gala. Red Delicious apples are in supply, however, they’re a bit smaller in size due to hot weather and lack of rain.

It’s peak season for grapes, while Packham pears, pineapples, passionfruit and Valencia oranges are all in good supply. Limes and figs are fantastic buying and eating this week, with top quality fruit arriving from the Sunshine Coast and north Queensland. Shepard avocados continue to provide great value.

While the stone fruit season is ending, plums are still excellent and we’re also seeing the first Imperial mandarins. In berries, blueberries and strawberries are in supply, although strawberry volume and quality should increase in the coming weeks.

Keen to try something different? There’s plenty of exotic fruit on the shelves, with custard apples, dragon fruit, guava and persimmons all available. Try freezing custard apple flesh for sorbet, or adding guava to your morning smooth or juice.

After recent tough weather conditions, Stanthorpe is delivering a good range of vegies this week including beans, broccoli, wombok, and yellow squash. Supplies of Asian vegetables are moderate, while chillies, eggplant, zucchini, red onions and ginger are all plentiful and calling out for stir-fries. Corn is in good supply for now, but recent rain will affect supplies over the new few weeks.

Salad on the menu? Queensland-grown iceberg lettuce, kale, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, field mushrooms and capsicums are all well priced this week, as are spinach, basil, and snow peas.

Cauliflower, radishes, spring onions and cabbage are all heat affected and in shorter supply.

This week’s top pick is broccoli, which has come down in price. Look for bright green broccoli with tight florets and store in a plastic bag in the fridge for up to a week. Both the buds and the stalk can be eaten — try lightly steaming, stir-frying, sautéing or roasting. We all know how good broccoli is for us, but its other great strength is its versatility — it’s used in many cuisines with flavours like lemon, garlic, ginger, parmesan, chillies, capers, anchovies, herbs, bacon and nuts.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest A Better Choice/Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out our Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at


Brisbane Produce Market

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