Brisbane Market Report 146

The start of a new year is bringing a glut of new season produce at Brisbane Produce Market.

From Victoria, we’re seeing new season Crystal and Clapp pears, sweet golden peaches and Shepard avocados. We can all continue to enjoy our smashed avocados for longer because unlike Hass avocados, the flesh of a Shepard avocado does not brown as rapidly once cut, and their skin colour remains green and does not change as they ripen. To select a ripe fruit, avoid squeezing the centre of the fruit but gently apply pressure on the stem to see if it yields.

Late season Keitt mangoes from Mareeba have hit the market with the R2E2 season coming to an end. Similar in size and shape, the Keitt mango variety has a sweet, mild flavour with a pinky red blush skin when ripe. For a taste of the exotics, why not try these when they’re still green for a Thai-inspired mango salad. Julienne the mango flesh along with carrots and cucumber and mix with fresh herbs such as mint and coriander. Add a splash of fish sauce, lime juice, palm sugar and optional red bird’s eye chilies for that perfect blend of salty, sweet, tart and spicy. Top with peanuts for that added crunchy texture.

The heat wave across Australia continues to affect fruit and vegetables in particular; berries. Expect higher prices and limited supplies of blueberries, blackberries and smaller-sized strawberries.

Lemons are also bouncing back with a good stockpile of Australian grown fruit from the Bundaberg and Cairns region. Lack of rain over the winter months have really affected supply so expect prices to remain high over the next couple of weeks. A good alternative are local limes, which are plentiful and well-priced.

With temperatures soaring, now is the best time to stock up on tomatoes. Currently in good supply of grape, truss, mini truss and cherry tomatoes – these won’t last long with an expected shortage of supply in the coming weeks. Extreme heat is also pushing prices up of lettuce, spinach and fresh salads. The best buys in veggies this week are beans, garlic and freshly picked new season ginger. New season ginger has a lighter skin colour and require quicker use as the produce does not store as long as later season crops.

Our top pick for this week are figs which are in abundant supply from Childers and the Lockyer Valley region. These plump-sized fruit are great in value and quality eating. Rich in vitamins and a good source of fibre, figs are great as a snack by themselves or can be added in jams, salads or desserts.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

Brisbane Produce Market

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