Extreme temperatures around the state have taken their toll on vegetables this week, but thankfully our summer fruits are going from strength-to-strength.
Stonefruits are now well into their season with good quality fruit and reasonable prices. The apricots arriving from Victoria, South Australia, and Stanthorpe have a wonderful flavour and are plentiful. Locally grown plums — including varieties like Red Beaut and Early Queen — are in good supply, as are nectarines and peaches (look out for the larger-sized varieties over the coming weeks).
New season Australian grapes are back on the shelves: the most common varieties are Menindee seedless and Red Fern seedless.
The market is well supplied with North Queensland-grown bananas, limes, and pineapples, as well as raspberries, blackberries and blueberries from the southern states.
Strawberries are in light supply.
We’re enjoying the Queensland-grown papayas (pawpaws) at the moment, particularly the red variety which is sweeter than the yellow. They’re wonderful in salads and salsas, or scoop out the seeds and use a halved papaya as a breakfast bowl filled with yoghurt, muesli, chopped nuts and berries.
One of our other breakfast favourites, the avocado, continues to be in good supply.
Lychees are looking impressive this week, and while prices are slightly high they will improve.
Cherries are also tasting great, and increasing supplies will also bring down prices over the next month.
Rockmelons are in between seasons, so prices are slightly higher.
It’s been a tough week for vegetables, with most lines in short supply. Lebanese, continental and field cucumbers are all well-priced, as are Bundaberg-grown sweet potatoes (look for gold, red, and purple varieties).
Tomatoes are a great buy with abundant supplies of all varieties, but we’re really enjoying the great-value snacking varieties like grape and cherry. Truss, Heirloom, Blush Mini, and Roma varieties are also available.
This week’s top pick is mango, and in particular the R2E2 and Kensington Pride varieties which are excellent eating at the moment. When it comes to selecting mangoes, use your nose: a ripe mango should have a fragrant tropical aroma. Ripe mangoes should be firm but yield lightly to touch. We recommend trying the R2E2 if you haven’t before — it has a sweet, mild flavour that has really developed over the past few years. Smoothies, salads, and desserts here we come!
You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to www.yourlocalfruitshop.com.au to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at www.facebook.com/yourlocalfruitshop
Brisbane Produce Market