Brisbane Market Report 136

The stone fruit season has begun in earnest, but local blueberries are undoubtedly the star of the Brisbane Produce Market this week with abundant supplies streaming in.

If you find yourself with an oversupply, add them to muffins and cakes (our favourite is a blueberry lemon yoghurt cake) before freezing.

Nectarines, peaches, and plums are all great buying, and Toowoomba-grown raspberries and strawberries from Victoria are beginning to arrive.

We’ve got plenty of Hass avocados, the first lychees of the season, as well as pears, pawpaw and fantastic rockmelon from up north.

Bananas continue to be higher priced as storms in north Queensland have affected supply. Limes, lemons, and passionfruit are also limited, while mango quality is variable.

Several vegies are fantastic buying this week including our spring favourite asparagus, Queensland-grown tomatoes, and Avondale-grown eggplant. Look for heavy eggplant with taut, glossy skin and store at room temperature for up to three days before roasting, frying, or grilling with white miso and mirin.

Asian vegetables, broccolini, brussels sprouts, fennel, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, and celeriac are all well supplied this week, while we’re seeing increasing volumes of broccoli and mushrooms.

Broad beans are moderately priced, and herbs like parsley, thyme and coriander are excellent quality.

Wet weather has affected the harvest of root vegetables, so expect prices of vegies such as sweet potatoes to increase. The rain has also affected supplies of beans and snow peas. Lettuce prices are firming and supply is moderate.

This week’s top pick is zucchini, which is cheap at the moment thanks to good supplies from Caboolture. Look for firm zucchinis with smooth, glossy skin that feel heavy for their size. Store in the crisper before turning into fritters, roasting, or shredding into ribbons for salad or pizza. For a southern Italian-inspired pasta dish, fry grated zucchini with chopped garlic, lemon zest, and chilli flakes in olive oil for about one minute. Stir through cooked spaghetti, ricotta, parmesan and a spoonful of butter before seasoning to taste.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

Brisbane Produce Market

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