Brisbane Market Report 118

We may not have managed to conquer the Blues in Origin on Wednesday night, but Queensland produce is definitely taking over the Brisbane Produce Market this week.

Local strawberries are the recent break-out star and offer unbeatable value.

Hass avocados are also abundant, and we have a good supply of Queensland-grown oranges, lemons, pineapple, rockmelon, and watermelon.

It’s currently peak time for Packham, Corella and Nashi pears, so we’re dreaming about warming desserts like poached pears or tarte tatin.

For a fruity snack, we can’t go past the New Zealand-grown gold and green kiwifruit — the quality is excellent.

Get in quick to grab the last of the mandarins and pomegranates.

Queensland vegetables continue to rule the shelves, as we start to see the shift from softer leaf vegies to harder lines like potatoes and pumpkins (we recommend the Queensland blue variety), and brassica like Lockyer Valley-grown broccoli and cauliflower.

Other local highlights this week include capsicum, carrot, chillies, wombok, eggplant, spring onions, squash, snow peas, sugar snap peas, and zucchini.

North Queensland is producing a wide range of tomatoes (the mini varieties are particularly good value), while the Bowen corn season is also beginning. Gympie-grown green and butter beans are great quality at the moment, as is locally grown Tuscan cabbage and chard — look for the beautiful Rainbow variety.

Two of our favourite winter vegetables, celeriac and fennel, are in the market and just crying out for soups, casseroles, and bakes. For crunch and subtle flavour, serve both vegetables raw and thinly sliced in salads.

This week’s top pick is kohlrabi. Kohl-what? Kohlrabi (coal-rah-bee) has an unusual name and look, but is actually a member of the brassica family. There’s a great supply of Kohlrabi coming out of Gatton at the moment — look for small-to-medium-sized bulbs with firm, unblemished skin and store in a plastic bag in the fridge. Trim the fibrous outer layer before using. Sprinkle with lemon juice and salt then serve raw in salad or coleslaw, or cook kohlrabi in stir-fries or a pasta sauce with bacon and cream.

You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts at

Brisbane Produce Market

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