With a welcome cool change across the state, we’re seeing many long-suffering vegies bounce back this week at the Brisbane Produce Market.
Herbs, broccoli, lettuce, and other salad leaves are all in recovery mode and supplies are up. Other vegies hitting their peak are squash, the fibre-rich cousin of the pumpkin, and Stanthorpe- and Shepparton-grown tomatoes.
Also in plentiful supply are carrots, beetroot, eggplant, continental cucumber, and Aussie-grown garlic.
Still feeling the heat are spinach, spring onions and beans, while capsicums, mushrooms and cabbage are expensive.
Keen to experiment with something new? We recommend giving in-season kohlrabi a try. With its many stalks and white or purple colour, kohlrabi might look a little strange, but it brings a wonderful radish-like flavour to salads and coleslaws. Or add wow factor to a potato gratin by including kohlrabi with cream, stock, and herbs.
Stonefruit, melons and figs continue to enjoy a bumper season, and we’re starting to see a good supply of both white and red grapes.
Blueberries are plentiful, but supplies of strawberries and raspberries are low. Coming into season are royal gala, red delicious, and pink lady apples, along with the new-season Granny Smith variety — the ideal cooking apple.
Watch out for a few more unusual fruits on the shelves this week, including the Aussie native finger limes. Their zesty, caviar-like pearls team beautifully with seafood, Thai curries, and as a garnish on a margarita cocktail.
Another fruit worth a try is the stunning-looking dragon fruit. Available in magenta, yellow, red, and citrus varieties, dragon fruit is packed with vitamin C and potassium and makes an exotic addition to fruit salads and smoothies along with a squeeze of citrus.
Also in season is rosella — get in quick as they’ll only be around for a few weeks.
This week’s top pick is polka-dot corn, with its distinctive yellow and white kernels. Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s under ripe — polka dot corn is actually the sweetest variety. Cook this colourful corn on the barbecue or grill and serve with herbed aioli or spiced butter.
You can buy the best of what the season has to offer at your nearest Your Local Fruit Shop. Go to www.yourlocalfruitshop.com.au to locate your closest store. Check out the Your Local Fruit Shop Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts athttps://www.facebook.com/yourlocalfruitshop